Portable Power Cell

The power source I am super fond of is the AllPowers r600. https://amzn.to/3wX5FQH. This is truly an amazing product. Think of those little power cells you carry around to charge your phone. This does that. Then think about that coffee machine you have at home that you’d love to take with you on a trip out – this does that. Computer running low on battery and there’s not power around for miles? We gotcha covered.
This little power house of a charging system has some really impressive specs. But what you want to know is how long I can run these things right? Who cares about watts and amp hours. Here’s the rundown for us normal people.
Price $210 USD / $455 ($80 off at the moment with coupon)
Widescreen TV – 2hours. Charge your phone, camera batteries – 60 times. Run your laptop (safely without frying it – super protection built in) 8 hours. CPAP machine 8hours. 12v Dual Zone Fridge 12-14 hours. Full size fridge 2 hours. Internet Router / Modem – 16 hours . Full size washer 4-5 full cycles. Not suit to gas furnace, heating water unless you get a suitable 12v kettle. No good for space heaters.